Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chaper One (and already sucking)

The party was going perfectly. It was the annual We Love Jonas party and this year the theme was All White. It was meant to be the Jonas party of the decade with a special guest surprise at the end. Frankie is always entertaining, thought Julia, who had planned the whole thing. Let’s just hope he gets here in time. She looked up at the clock again. He was due in ten minutes and they hadn’t heard a single word from him yet. Julia walked up to the bar and asked the barman for a Red Bull.

“Still no sign of him?” the red-headed man asked as he handed her her drink. She shook her head. “Well, he should be here soon.”

“Here’s hoping. You can’t have a friggin’ Jonas party without a Jonas, now can you?” Julia ran her fingers through her hair like she always did when she got nervous. The barman shrugged as she walked away to talk to Gi, her assistant.

“Any news, Gi?” she asked, already knowing the answer. Gi looked at her apologetically.

“Sorry, Julz. Nothing. I don’t know what to do. I’ve called his manager, his own phone, I even called Big Rob for crying out loud! No one is answering their phones. I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologise. It’s not your fault they’re not picking up. Now stop worrying and enjoy the party.” Gi smiled, relieved. As she walked away, there was a loud thud from the front door. Julia had told security to lock the front door once all the guests were in and told Frankie to come round the back when he got there. There was another thud and then a shriek. WTH? Julia ran to the front door just as it was swung open. Standing outside the door was a horde of Zombies. There were at least 300 of them. They all had the same bucket haircut. They were all girls. They were all five feet tall. Some were holding thick logs. Tied to the thick logs were Frankie, Big Rob and Frankie’s manager.

“Well, shit.”


NOTE: I dunno why, but everytime I press enter, it gives me what is usually a double enter. I apologise.

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